8 Reasons Men Visit Red-Light Districts

There are many different types of men who visit red-light districts. While it’s easy to put them all in a box, you’ll often find that the closer you look at things, the more complicated it gets. I am sure there are more reasons than these, but perhaps this will give you some insight and open conversations.
1. Men are Lonely
Ever felt like you would be alone forever while your friends all seem to have someone? Ever just craved someone’s arms around you? Ever just wanted to feel like you had someone’s, anyone’s, undivided attention? Ever just wanted that connection with someone? Whatever the reason, we all get lonely sometimes. Perhaps these men have not been able to find a girlfriend or are just socially awkward. While this may seem like an extreme way to find companionship, for some, this is their answer.
2. Stag Dos / Lad’s Holidays
Weekends of testosterone with men proving to each other they are as manly as the next, with nothing to prove and yet everything to prove. All it takes is for one lad to think it’s a good idea, that it truly is the ‘last night of freedom,’ or ‘what happens on the stag do stays on the stag do’ and with the welcoming arms and looks of girls paid to make you feel good self-control goes out the window.
3. Men Looking for Wives / Nurse Maids
While the red-light district may seem like a strange place to look for a wife, anyone who’s desperate for love knows love isn’t as easy as it may seem to come across. These men may have tried to find love unsuccessfully in their home country. Some prefer [Thai] women, know someone who found a wife there, or want a wife who will obey them. Men on the older side have been known to make a last effort to find someone who’ll look after them in their elderly years.
4. Men are Curious
People who watch porn will have differing reactions, from disgust to curiosity. Most will have felt a weird need to discover more. Eventually, porn isn’t good enough, and a natural place to take this curiosity to the next level is a red-light district. Even better… a red-light district not in their home country where they might bump into someone they know.
5. Men are Handicapped / Ex-Veterans
If love is hard to find, how about for those with physical disabilities/trauma? Loneliness can come into play again here, and a need to feel something other than what’s going around their head.
6. Graduation Gifts
Now and then, a Father will be seen handing his son a pack of condoms and sending him off to “use responsibly.” Using a prostitute can be seen as a rite of passage… from childhood to manhood.
7. Men who Hate Women
There are many reasons a man may hate women, from childhood abuse to mother issues to unforgiveness. Hate not dealt with, always comes out. Prostitutes are easy targets partly due to the ease of getting them alone.
8. Sex Tours / Fetishes
It happens.
Disclaimer: Understanding some of the above reasons does not mean I condone them. This blog is only one part of a big puzzle. If any of these resonate with you and you are thinking of using a prostitute as an answer, please talk to someone trusted like a counselor who can help you deal with the root of these issues.